Classic Thai-Massage


Classic Thai-Massage

Thai-massage uses different mixture of rhythmic acupressure, body rocking and deep assisted stretches to open and exercise the systems of the body throughout. It relieves muscular tension which enables more blood and oxygen to be carried throughout the body.

Thai-Massage is a richly rewarding, holistic therapy that can relax as well as energize, help to maintain good health and assist in relieving many common ailments. It helps to attain and regain "balance" in the flow of energy in the body.

It achieves this through the application of rythmic compression to energy lines and points together with deep stretching.

Every body system is touched on,and while relexation may be the initial goal, suppleness, improved circulation and organ function and good mental health are all achieved


45 minutes
€ 58
60 minutes
€ 68
90 minutes
€ 97
120 minutes
€ 127
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Wow! Thai Therapy saved my day/ and my hurting back;-) I love this new, cute place and the best Thai Massage for a long time

War begeistert. Werde sicher bald wiederkommen.Angenehme ruhige Atmosphäre und echt nettes Personal. Und effektive Massage!

In 5 Minuten in meditativem Zustand! Dezent und geschmackvoll eingerichtet, nette Atmosphäre, freundliches Personal, sehr sauber. Entspannungsfaktor innerhalb kürzester Zeit...

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